I'm not a big fan of the quirky-girly presetnation of this video but I will have to admit that Meg Turney's advice (when it comes to Tokyo, Japan) is great advice. Her first visit to Tokyo was an eye-opening experience and the folks at SourceFedNERD did a great job putting something quick and informative together. My recommendation is to review this video a few times and take her advice. The 'Uh-Oh Sheet' is a great idea that everyone can utilize.
Three friends through Japan. 15 days. Fantastic footage - including Tokyo, Kyoto, Nikko and much more. I highly recomemnd to all Japan enthusiasts.
When I was asked to create an article for our website about understanding the Japanese Bullet Train pass, I researched everything I could in order to provide the very best information for you. It turns out that the Japan Guide already did a GREAT job. Ever wanted to learn about the Japanese Bullet Train pass and how it operates? This is the article for you!